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Collab. Collaboration. Lab. A work in progress.

Work is different today. Technology allows effective multi-tasking and sharing across many projects. Opportunities to contribute to ad hoc teams aren't limited by your full-time job.

If you're working as a consultant or small business, you have the benefit of lower overhead and greater efficiency. Your competitive rate can be lower. You can work the way you want.

The advantage of working with entreprenuers and small businesses is a "ground floor" position. Small businesses have big dreams. Help a client or collaborator and you're helping yourself. Share your overflow work with vendors you trust. Make it win-win. No-one is an island. We need to share to get ahead.

The opportunity of Collab is horizontally integrating entreprenuers and other business-minded individuals. Low, wide organizations are structurally sound and stable. Collab members are mature and motivated by win-win exchanges. Collaborative ideas are driven ahead by shared interests, self-assembly and decentralized rewards. YOUR motivations contribute to the network.

Collab provides a channel, an opportunity to interact. The websites YOU use are important. Contribute and add value to YOUR community. The goal of Collab is synergy – flexible, collaborative participation around connections based on personal gratifications. Participation and compensation are defined by YOUR parameters. Friendships and business relationships are fostered by mutual respect and consideration. Negotiations are not one-sided. Sharing is the currency of networking.